The Recession Is Over, But What I Have Discovered Has Made Me A Small Fortune In Marketing Online...

It's No Secret: Millionaires Are Made During The Economic Crisis And Recession

Dear Friend,

There's no denying that many millionaires, even billionaires, are made during the recession and down economy.

If you think about it, when is the best time to buy company stocks or real estate?

During the down economy, right?

For instance, look at the companies affected by COVID19 in 2020  for the industries of airlines, bankings, tourism, etc. Chances are, the stocks had plummeted during the crash previously. Same with real estate.

However, good news is, the economy has started to pick up again in the U.S.

This is taken from's article, and it was published back in April 2020 - it's now 2021. The US government has extended $6 trillion dollars to help out.
The U.S economy is picking up. If you don't believe me, go ahead and Google'd it yourself.

And from last year's recession, I've learned these 3 criteria to sell online and has made me a small fortune. They are...

Criteria #1: A Deal Offer

The first one is having a deal for the market to buy.

This means, selling something that's below the market's price. They will buy because people are shopping on the Internet and they want their money to be wisely spent.

Just offer good deals in front of them. 

Criteria #2: Need

The second criteria is selling products where there is a "NEED" and not a "want".

In this context, the message of "need" is what the consumer will still need at that moment of time.

Let me give you an example...

If someone has a pet, let's say, a pet cat. The pet owner would still want to make sure the cat is healthy, and probably, the cat owner still wants to train the cat at home, right?

So, there is still a need to have that knowledge of "cat training" or "cat health" information product.

Here's another example...

If someone wants to lose weight, this person may still want to have the knowledge on how to achieve that.

Do you see what I mean? INFORMATION PRODUCT are always in "need".

Criteria #3: An Affordable Product (Inexpensive)

The third criteria is the price must be affordable.

I mean, before the economic crisis, someone could spend freely without a second thought. But consumers are more careful with their spendings after the crisis. But if it's within a reasonable price, they do not mind spending, especially if it's a good deal and it's a need.

So, these are the 3 key criteria - good deal, a need, and reasonable price.

When you have these for a product to sell, I trust you will be selling and making money online every day with this product.

That's How "Operation Recession Takeover" Was Created Back In 2020 To Help My Students.

Back in 2020, I created Operation Recession Takeover to help my students DURING THE RECESSION. In version 1.0, I taught them how to source for discounted physical products to sell, and it was a great success. Here are some of the edited testimonials...

And now...

The Operation Recession Takeover 2.0 Challenge For 2021!

After the recession, I continue to use the same system for 2021 but the different is, I've improved the overall system so that...
  • It's even more automated
  • It's EASIER now (without the hassle to source for products anymore)
  • It's now focused on selling information product instead of eCommerce product for higher profit margin
  • ​You DO NOT NEED to have or create your own products
This compressive program is specifically tailored to help you to make money online fast during this critical time by just selling dropshipped books online.

Why books?

Because it's affordable and contains information that the consumer "need", then all it takes is to make a good deal for them to buy.

In another word, IT IS EASY TO SELL. 


My secret book funnel that generate customers on a daily basis

"How YOU CAN Profit From An Established Author's Book, Without Writing A Single Word!"

This is so good and profitable, that it even makes me feel guilty on leveraging the established author's hard work of writing hundreds of pages.

So how could you be making thousands of dollars by giving away a book you didn't even write or contributed anything at all?

I've done it, and I can show you behind the scenes - this is called a book funnel.

So when they buy a book for just $10, you could end up making $50 from a funnel on automation! That's 5X more money.

Just for simple illustration, how $10 sale becomes $50 upon checkout...
The whole idea is to let the funnel do its work and make money for you.

I'm going to show where you can access 10,000's of books you can pick and sell. 

And after your customers purchased the book, they'll be presented with other offers to buy where you'll earn commissions for doing nothing, except for recommending. You don't even need not do any fulfilment at all to earn these!

Also, just so you know, these are fully automated, and I can teach you how in Operation Recession Takeover 2.0 Challenge.

The challenge is broken down to 5 days...


I will show you where you can find THOUSANDS of book titles in categories of health, relationship, parenting, diet, business, political, economics, alternative medicine, self-help, exercise, hobbies, weight loss, careers, gardening, pets, cooking, marketing, meditation, entrepreneurship, money and so many more! Sometimes, 85% discount from the book's selling price and these could even best-selling books.

You don't even need to get any official agreement or licensing from the publishers or authors to do this. You can just buy cheaply and resell it at whatever price you want inside your book funnel.
  • Where to find a bargain book website with discount up to 85% including real best-selling books you can resell
  • The 5-step process from sourcing the book to having it being promoted
  • What are the 5 top profitable niche markets to get in
  • ​How to research the quality of the book in just minutes, without even buying it


On Day 2, I'll teach you the strategies of how to generate income from selling the books online.

You don't need to create or develop your own product! Thousands of products are available for you to sell in your funnel to get paid lucratively, all done on automation

So, yes, it's possible to have an automated online business.
  • Step-by-step training on how to start affiliate marketing (highly suitable for newbies)
  • How to plan out the funnel to sell effectively for you on its own
  •  A simple upsell you can add to increase your income by 30% without any extra work
  • ​The backend upsell formula to generate continuous income after getting your customer


I'll walk you through how to setup your funnel, including the design and copy that has proven to convert, even showing you the book fulfilment automation. 

This means when you receive an order, it's on auto-pilot. You don't need to pack and ship, not even forwarding sales notifications to the shipper - it's all dropship.

Then you'll also learn the funnel strategies I use in my own book funnel you can copy.
  • Step-by-step walkthrough on how to build your funnel quickly
  • The breakdown on how to prepare the sales copy for the webpage - without being a copywriter at all!
  •  Find out the same dropshipper we use and how you can set up the automation so that the book fulfilment  will be 100% handsfree 
  • ​Discover my 5-part email follow up system that you can plug inside your book funnel to monetize your list with zero cost


This will be the exciting part where I'll teach you my traffic secret of getting buyers into your book funnel. It's time to get some book orders.

I'll be sharing with you how to advertise that only attracts a targeted audience, the exact ones that I'm using effectively to make sales.
  • We don't need to use Facebook Ads to promote the book funnel
  • A sneaky way to tap on the author's own followers to get targeted traffic
  •  How to get as high quality traffic as Google Ads, but easily 30% lower cost!


By DAY 5, you've completed the steps to launch. You'll discover the 3 advanced strategies to enhance your new online business to be more profitable.
IMPORTANT REMARK: You could be from anywhere around the world to build this online business, but we're only selling to the US market because the dropshipping is for the U.S. Your earning will also be in USD currency and if you are not from the U.S, we'll show you how to collect the payment.
I will show you how you can launch your book funnel business in just 5 days.

This means in just 5 days, you could be in business, having it up and running the next day. And you could have no experience or be a total newbie - it's fine.

If you can follow the plan, you can start to see the sales coming in when you start promoting your complete book funnel.

Frankly, this is probably the fastest system I've ever created to get someone to get started and start making sales WITHOUT having your product or book.

So 30 days from now, for an achievable $100/day benchmark, you could be pocketing an extra $3,000 in your bank account?

I'm not sure whether you will make $3,000 in 30 days or just $1,000 -- or even $10,000. It's up to you how much you are going to scale the entire system.

One thing for sure, I've tested it, and it works. I'm giving you the system I use to make money online. It's now yours.

Operation Recession Takeover 2.0, the entire system, is a program we will sell for $499.

However, even with the U.S economy picking up, it's still an uncertain time for many. You would also want to be careful with your money, true? I mean, I'm just being very transparent with you and doing my best to understand your situation.

So instead of offering it for $499, I will just offer it for only $99.

Frankly, I don't think there's any other training program specifically created on how to build an online business to make money fastest possible during the recovery period, with no product and no experience. None.


When you join Operation Recession Takeover, I'll also be giving you 2 valuable bonuses for free.

The first one is my "Swipe Copy Secret" presentation. This is taken from one class where I'll share with you the resources of swipe files you can use to prepare your ads, email copies, and even webpage copy! This means, even if you are a beginner when it comes to copywriting, this will help you "copy" and customize your own copies.

Then, in this presentation, I'll share with you where you can learn copywriting for free.


The Facebook Traffic Class is a 4 hours ++ training where I will teach you how to get targeted website traffic from Facebook advertising that's "evergreen" so that you're not dependent on seasons or trends. This is the exact system that I've taught my workshop clients who paid $997 to attend! And this goes without saying. It's the same system we use internally to sell our products online.

EXCLUSIVE BONUS #3: The Book Fulfilment Cost Calculator Worth $199

To ship your book profitably, you must have a TOOL to calculate the costing as the different books you've chosen to resell have different pricing. This convenient tool was developed for me by an expert to use "IN-HOUSE". But I will give it to you as a bonus, and when you use this tool, you'll know the exact cost to fulfil the book when shipped out to your customer from the moment you receive an order.

Day 1 Of The Challenge Starts Now!

After that, for the next 4 days, you'll continue to receive Day 2 until Day 5 each day.

So here's how the 5-day online challenge works:

You'll get to access the SAME SYSTEM I'm currently using to generate online income during this "economic recovery period". But it has been systemized for you to easily follow it, even if you are a beginner or newbie.

You are recommended to go through the training day-by-day, so that you'll complete the entire challenge in 5 days, starting from today.

After that, you can re-access it as often as you like, FOR A LIFETIME.
Because you are super early bird today before the class starts, you'll get an extra $50 discount, so your investment is only a one-time $99.

The fact is the next economic crash will happen again and this time, you can now be PREPARED. If you think about it, you should probably be doing it not just for yourself but for your family as well because it's creating a brighter future.

If you ask me, what I'll get back for sharing my knowledge and system at this super affordable fee, including the additional $50 early-bird discount, it's very simple - I'm always a long-term thinker.

I'm doing this for the long term with my clients. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been in this industry for almost 2 decades now and trained 11,000 students from offline alone.

Look - if I can help you make $3,000 or even just as little as $1,000 within the next 2 weeks, who would you learn from when the economy is back to normal?

Well, I hope the person you would think of would hopefully be me then.

I mean, I have workshops and other programs too. For example, I have a one-on-one mentoring program where it's offered at $10,000. But I don't expect you to join those programs at this moment in time until the time is right.
This is your rare opportunity to ride on the trend towards your advantage. Now you can play the game to win.

Humbly, whether you are in the 5-day challenge or not, it will not affect my life.

But for what you'll be getting inside the Operation Recessions Takeover 2.0, it may help you to earn back 10 times ROI - or even 100 times more.

The truth is, I'm doing this to help you.

The fact is, knowing how to make the right decision during a slow economy is what makes the rich become richer. Failing to do that would means struggles indefinitely.

Your investment will only be $499 $199 $99 during this super early bird launch, including 3 bonuses worth $1,293 for free.

Click the button below to join the 5-day challenge today...

Common FAQ's

When the challenge starts?
DAY 1 starts now and it'll last for 5 days. But once the challenge is over, you'll still be able to access the classes for a lifetime.
I am a newbie with no experience or have no product, is this suitable for me?
Yes, the program has been structured for newbies and experienced marketers. If you are an experienced marketer, you'll just skip the basic tutorials such as "how to buy a domain name", "what is an affiliate program," and so on.
Is this brand new?
Yes, it's a brand new training that I'm creating for you, and it's certainly for overcoming the economic recovery period.
Do I need a page builder?
Regardless of any business you wish to build online. You must have a webpage (otherwise, nobody can "visit" your offer). So even if you don't join my training, you'll still be advisable to have a webpage. And to create that, you'll just use a page builder. If you already have a page builder that can create a simple funnel, then you need not get a new one. Otherwise, we'll suggest to you where you'll be able to join with free trials to get started.
Is there a money back guarantee?
Yes, simply because I want to help you get started. You have a solid 30-day money back guarantee - which means, during this period, you can use Operation Recession Takeover 2.0 to help you generate income. But if you want to cancel, we'll return your money 100%. All we ask for in return, kindly give us honest feedback to improve our program for others. And it doesn't matter how silly your feedback could be - we'll still be honoring the money back policy because we just need your help to become better.

With this risk-free investment, you have nothing to lose, except that you did not make the right decision for your future today.

Patric Chan's credibility:

  • Spoken in 12 countries including the United States, the UK, China, Singapore, Malaysia, etc as an authority of internet marketing
  • ​ClickBank Platinum Partner for 7 years in a row since 2013
  • ​Internet marketing pioneer since 2004
  • ​Author of 3 best-selling books including multiple Amazon bestsellers
  • ​Patric Chan and his products have been featured in CNN, & Forbes
  • ​Thousands of students worldwide and testimonials from millionaires, including other internet marketing experts like Russell Brunson, Anik Singal, Ryan Deiss, and Mark Joyner
  • ​​​Featured in an international best-selling entrepreneurial book together with Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, T. Harv Eker and others
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